7 lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis
7 lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis
Psoriasis arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin causing red patches, development of flakes and inflammation. Two to three percent of the world’s population has psoriasis, with about 8 million affected people from the US alone. Patients with psoriasis tend to develop an inflammatory form of arthritis called psoriatic arthritis. It affects about 1% of the population and can result in a poor quality of life. With that being said, here are seven lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis.
Eat healthily
Following a healthy diet is a lifestyle change that has to be incorporated into everyone’s life, be it someone suffering from psoriatic arthritis or not.

Stay active
An active lifestyle, similar to healthy eating is not specific to psoriatic arthritis patients but everyone in general. Daily exercise helps to reduce stiffness in the joints, which is one of its many symptoms. The rigor of the exercise should vary depending on the level of the symptoms.
Practice meditation
Stress is one of the main triggers in Psoriatic Arthritis. Triggers usually cause flares, which cause a spike in the symptoms for a particular period. Practicing yoga and meditation can help reduce any possible stress triggers.
Stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption
Smoking can aggravate breathing issues and also triggers psoriatic arthritis. Increased alcohol consumption also causes other issues that, when combined with psoriatic arthritis, can result in a very poor quality of life.
Vitamin D
Getting a bit of sunlight can help psoriatic patients with their condition but is considered as more of a complementary exercise to reduce soreness and stiffness. Doctors have warned that too much sunlight can be harmful and detrimental to patients as it can cause flares. So consult with doctors on how much time should be spent in the sun.
Take prescribed medication
NSAIDs can be prescribed by the doctor and can help treat Psoriatic Arthritis to an extent. These are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that, as the name suggests, reduces inflammation which is one of the most common symptoms of such patients. Biologics also help to reduce inflammation and is a new type of DMARDs (Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs). Refrain from using steroids unless very necessary and advised by the doctor. They tend to increase rashes while trying to help treat the patient.
Complementary therapy
Acupuncture has found popularity among patients. It releases endorphins that reduce pain and serves as an alternative to taking excess amounts of painkiller medication in the form of pills.
All the above points should be inculcated as lifestyle changes that can help improve Psoriatic Arthritis. Always remember to do everything in moderation. Anything in excess can become poison, and the same goes for these aspects.